
品牌动态 品牌动态





项目地址:中国 深圳


砖面:蒙特里白 750*1500
墙壁:阔叶檀木 800*2600
的电视背影墙:彤云  1200*2400
儿童卧室个性定制:彤云 5颗星上 800*2600
卫生间间来样加工:往事流金 1200*2400






♎With modern elegant luxury as the brush, to achieve the perfect fusion of elegant luxury and comfort. The use of stone carving, green plants, leather, statues and other materials, singing a harmonious melody of life, revealing the ritual sense of life, are the residents of the love of life and personalized aesthetic preference, but also for designers to bring different design inspiration.

Space Display


项目实景图 | Project Reality

- 主卧室 -

Living room



🦄The whole space is bright and transparent. The moving line through the guest restaurant makes daily leisure activities extremely convenient. The space is mainly in Monterey white, and the matching tones of black and coffee color perfectly create a light luxury and elegant temperament.

Exquisite curved sofa with simple and smooth lines, comfortable sitting at the same time, increase the warm sense of space. Brown and yellow sofa chair, through the combination of leather and metal to create an elegant texture. The hanging chic stone and green plants contrast the charm of nature and elegant residence. The three-dimensional sculpture set up in the living room adds a little artistic atmosphere to the space and forms a harmonious symbiosis with the entire indoor environment.







餐厅与客厅相连,格调上保持协调统一。深色沉稳的阔叶檀木bob体育官方app下载 墙面与理石白地面相映衬,让空间融入原始自然的感觉,构筑出雅奢自然的空间。

餐橱空间采用经典的黑白搭配,经典而时尚。彤云bob体育官方app下载 背景墙,在柔和灯光下渲染出温馨、柔和的氛围,与高级的黑色搭配展露出无尽的优雅格调。

🦩The dining room is connected to the living room, and the style is coordinated and unified. The dark and steady broadleaf sandalwood panel wall is set off against the white floor of the marble, which makes the space integrate into the original natural feeling and build a elegant and luxurious natural space.

The kitchen space uses a classic black and white collocation, classic and fashionable. Tong Yun rock panel background wall, in the soft light to render a warm, soft atmosphere, with advanced black collocation shows endless elegant style.






- 客厅 -



The study area with high appearance level, the residents are immersed in learning and thinking for a long time, and it is particularly important to have a broad vision and high-quality lighting. The bookcase and the wall reveal a rich level of neutral wood color, with carefully selected furniture and green elements, not too much jumping, but also the finishing touch, giving a relaxed and comfortable environment.




- 房间 -


舒适精致的卧室环境,蒙特里白搭配颇具沉稳温润的彤云bob体育官方app下载 ,在高级通透感的空间里增添一丝暖意,让雅致与温馨之感瞬间油然而生,为居住者带来高舒适度的休憩环境。

Comfortable and exquisite bedroom environment, Monterey white with a rather calm and warm Tong Yun rock board, in the high-grade transparent space to add a touch of warmth, so that elegant and warm feeling instantly arises, for the occupants to bring a high comfort sleep environment.





Tiles for Project










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